The Mountain Peaks belong to Him.

Soar on Wings like eagles.

You are Lord, God Almighty, maker of the heavens and the earth and everything in them. You do not grow tired or weary and your wisdom is beyond all understanding. You give strength to the weary and empower the weak. Those who hope in you will renew their strength, soar on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.
IS 40:28-31.

God's precious rubies

This world can bury all our hopes, dreams and best efforts under a mountain of failures, guilt, anger, sorrow and doubt. Within the depths of that mountain we can mine God’s most precious rubies of Faith, Hope and love:
    God loves us and sent his son (Jesus) to rescue us from under the mountain. (I John 4:10) (John 3:16)
   The Good News, the mystery kept for all ages and revealed in these last days is that Christ ( Jesus ) lives IN us. (Col 1:24-27)
   The very power that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of us– giving us life . (Rom 8:11)
*     Every day, Jesus is with us to bear our burdens (PS 68:19) - burdens we were not created to carry. (Mtt 11:28)
   He will never leave us or forsake us. (Mtt 28:20;  Heb 13:5)

Christ IN us, How?

  Trust God – We can trust a loving God to help us take a new

  path that leads us out from under the mountain. (I John 4:10)

  New Direction - We must tell God that we are sorry for taking

  the wrong paths and that we need the power of Jesus to

  show us a new way - a new direction.  (Acts 2:38)

  Bury the past – God wants us to start fresh with Jesus.  In

   baptism, we bury the past and start a new life with the power of

   Jesus living inside of us (Col 1:27; Rom 6:4; 8:11 & 37-39) 

God is Love, Peace, Hope & Life

  • Before The LORD God created mankind, he knew we would need a savior. His son Jesus would be that person. He knew that Jesus would walk this earth and be mistreated, misjudged, tortured and killed by the very ones he came to save. (Eph 1: 4, Jn 1:1-4, Rev 13:8)
  • Incredibly, God still loves us and sent his son Jesus to be our savior. (I Jon 4:10) (Jon 3:16)
  • Jesus lived as a man (a creature) and experienced hunger, thirst, love, hatred, loneliness, temptation, rejection, betrayal, and a painful death. Therefore, Jesus can help us when we are tempted to sin, or to feel sorry for ourselves and think God doesn’t know how we feel or what we are struggling with. (Heb 2:18, 4:15) (II Cor 1:3-4)
  • God has an intimate knowledge of who we are. He created our inmost being and knit us together in our mother’s womb. (Ps 139: 1,3,13) He knows how many hairs are on our head. (Mt 10:30)
  • When we in repentance and confession lay our cares and burdens, broken dreams and promises, lost hopes, sins and helplessness at the feet of Jesus he gives rest to our weary souls. (Mt 11:28-29)
  • When we learn about the depth of God’s love for us, how Jesus lived and died for us, and decide to place our life in his hands (Acts 2:38), the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us and gives life to our mortal bodies. (Gal 2:20) (Rom 8:11) (Is 57:15)
  • No matter what we have gone through - or are currently struggling with, nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. (Rom 8:38-39)
  • When we decide to give our life to Christ (Acts 2:38), we are “clothed” in Christ (Gal 3:27) and made ready for eternal life with him in heaven. (Col 3:3-4) (Rev 7:9-17)

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